The Second Church Building 1834-1854

After the split with Dr. Clapp, the Presbyterian members met in a warehouse located on Lafayette Square, and duly formed a committee "for the purpose of building a New Presbyterian Church in this city" and purchased the warehouse where they had been meeting. Construction of the new Greek Revival style was completed in 1835. The 1838 city directory described it as an edifice of the Grecian Doric order. The basement story of granite, the rest constructed of brick plastered to imitate stone (already discolored and in need of repair). In 1844 the church was considerably enlarged. A few weeks later it burned to the ground, "beyond all doubt the work of some villainous incendiary..."

The congregation was without a pastor or building for over 2 years.


Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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