Welcome to First Presbyterian Church in New Orleans!

We are a church with a rich history. Feel free to browse our website and discover more about us. First Presbyterian is an open and affirming congregation that welcomes and encourages all to join us in worship. We are affiliated with the PC(USA).

We are a More Light Congregation and a member of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. We welcome all people, all races, and all sexual orientations.

"What Did I Do to Deserve This?"

Sermon Date: 

Sunday, September 12, 2021


FPCNO is back, live, in the sanctuary for worship at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays! There was damage to the spires in front of the church, so we are asking everyone to enter from the South Prieur Street door at the back until we can get the spires secured.
Here's the video from Sunday's service.

Worship Service Canceled for August 29, 2021

Stay safe, everyone!

"Siblings (Brothers Behaving Badly)"

Sermon Date: 

Sunday, August 22, 2021


Here's a story you may not have known was in the Bible --an epic adventure about King David and his son Absalom! Kids don't hear this one in Sunday school, and sometimes adults don't in adult Sunday school, either.




"David, Bathsheba, and the #MeToo Movement (Still!)"

Sermon Date: 

Sunday, August 15, 2021


David and Bathsheba! Sexual misconduct by a rich and powerful man was happening long before hashtags were invented!



"Feeding Time!"

Sermon Date: 

Sunday, August 8, 2021


Seagulls! Jesus feeding the five thousand! And music too!


Planning a Wedding? Thinking about First Presbyterian?

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! 

Want to know what it's like to walk down the aisle at First Presbyterian Church? Here's a three-minute video!



"Bread for Life"

Sermon Date: 

Sunday, August 1, 2021


Where humans may think they live in a world of scarcity, God's kingdom offers abundance! Loaves and fishes enough for all, with leftovers!



"What Happened to the Little Brown Church?"

Sermon Date: 

Sunday, July 25, 2021


Elder Bruce Robertson ponders changes in our society and changes in the church.


"Grace, in Spite of Everything"

Sermon Date: 

Sunday, July 18, 2021


The world says you have to earn what you get. Grace says God's love is a free gift. Things are different in God's kingdom!



"The Little Church That Could"

Sermon Date: 

Sunday, July 11, 2021


First Presbyterian Church is launching a capital campaign to raise funds for major repairs and upgrades to the building, including the replacement of old air conditioning systems and the installation of a handicap accessible restroom. Your donations and prayers are eagerly welcomed! Our theme is "The Little Church That Could." This Sunday's service kicked off the campaign. With God's help, and yours, we can do this!


To make a donation online, go to the "About" tab on the website and scroll to "Donate."



Presbyterian Fun Fact

There are about 75 million Reformed/Presbyterian Christians worldwide and about 2.5 million belong to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


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